#HBOvote presents: The European Election Festival
23 May 2024
11:30 - 15:45
THUAS, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75

Would you like to learn more about the European Union? Or would you like to hear directly from a candidate Member of the European Parliament (MEP) what they can do for young people at European level? Then come to the election festival #HBOvote on Thursday 23 May.
This is an event organised by students, for all who are interested. Of course, everyone is welcome!
Interesting workshops will be organised. For example, imagine you are a real politician during the Create Your Own Political Party workshop! Or learn more about the challenges of contemporary Europe during the workshop The EU's Challenging Neighbourhood.
Ask a candidate MEP a question
Also during this second edition of the election festival, candidate MEPs will be present. Do you already have a good question in mind? You can submit it via the registration link!
The candidate MEPs present:
- Raquel Garcia (D66)
- Marlou van Beek (VVD)
- Rene Visser (NSC)
- Wilhelmina Steijling (NSC)
- Michiel Hoogeveen (JA21)
- Pieter-Bas van Suijlichem (VVD)
- Lambert Pollinder (SGP)
- Elmar Smid (Groenlinks-PvdA)
- Mandy Ligthart (PvdD)
- Ruben Schouten (Volt)
- Marnix Vermeer (Volt)
- Rody van der Pouw (CDA)
- Erwin de Pagter (ChristenUnie)
- Bas Eickhout (de Groenen, Spitzenkandidaat)
- Dorien Rookmaker (Meer Directe Democratie)
Practical information
The working language of this event is English. Does this festival overlap (partly) with your classes? No worries - you can also join part of the program - from the walk-in or the break, for example!
Check out the complete list of workshops to choose from at the registration desk:
11:30 - 12:00 Registration
12:00 - 12:30 Opening (plenary)
12:30 - 13:25 Various rooms - Workshops
13:25 - 13:45 Break
13:45 - 14:30 Interactive debate with MEPs
14:45 – 15:45 Networking
This festival is part of the research project #mbostem #hbostem, which is testing how young people in VET and HE are involved in the European elections. This research project is conducted by research group Global Citizenship within Centre of Expertise Global & Inclusive Learning.