The Future of Energy
12 October 2023
16:00 - 17:00
Speakers' Corner

Join us for an interactive talk with the audience, centered around statements introduced by the personal views of our two speakers: Sam Schwencke, climate activist and member of Extinction Rebellion, and Jeremy Bentham, member of the World Energy Council and retired after a 40-year career at Shell. Emma Prins, lecturer in politics at European Studies, will lead this session.
Jeremy and Sam will share their perspectives on a sustainable future and the role of the fossil fuel industry in our society. Jeremy dedicated for the energy transition within Shell. And Sam left her positions as a counselor at the municipality of Rijswijk and as a civil servant at the municipality of The Hague to fully commit to activism. Both share a common goal of a sustainable future, but their paths and the pace at which they advocate for change may differ.
This promises to be an interesting talk that will encourage you, as an audience member, to reflect on your role as a professional, citizen, and human being on this planet. What part can you play in combating climate change and contributing to a better future for all?
Register now and join! And you're also welcome to join the after talk in Café West 75.
This event is organized as part of the Sustainability Week in collaboration with Green Office, Mission Zero, and Zero Waste.
This is an event of The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is a program full of interesting activities on current, social and global issues.