Symposium ‘Internationalisation in practice’
15 March 2024
09:30 - 16:00
De Haagse Hogeschool, Speakers' Corner
On March 15 you can participate in the symposium 'Internationalisation in practice'. As an educational professional you want to prepare your students as best as possible for an international labour market and intercultural society. The skills they need for this differ per education, field and region. How do you ensure that your education responds to this context? And what competencies do you need to shape this?
Based on research
The research group Global Learning of the Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning has, together with Nuffic and five vocational education schools, investigated which teacher roles and competencies are important in the various regions.
Collaboration within the school appears to be essential for facilitating internationalisation. Everyone has a role in this. Whether you are a teacher, HR employee or educational advisor.
The symposium
During the symposium, teacher competencies and teacher professionalisation within secondary vocational education and higher professional education are the central topics. We present our findings and vocational education schools and universities of applied sciences share their best cases. The day ends with a regional discussion and drinks during which we have a look at where we stand in the field of teacher professionalization and what next?
The full programme will soon be available on the symposium web page (see link below).
To register
This symposium will be in Dutch and is free. It takes place in Speakers Corner from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.
If you want to join, please register via: Symposium 'Internationalization in practice' | Nuffic.