Nexis Uni: New improved interface


The interface of the important news database Nexis Uni  has been renewed.

When you arrive at the home page, it is set to ‘dark’ by default. If you do not like this, you can change it to ‘light’ in the top bar from the moon to the sun.

The new interface is clearer and more organized. You can set the language of the search pages yourself, Dutch is also possible, but part of the text always remains in English, which is a shame.

In the search bar on the home page you can already choose content type (e.g. News) and Date. You can search here with free keywords. You can do a more extensive search via the ‘Power search’ page. On the right-hand side, the connectors AND, OR and AND NOT are explained.

Under the ‘News’ tab you can search in Dutch, foreign or international news magazines and newspapers. This part of Nexis Uni is used the most in practice. You can search here by source type, region and language of the source. There is also a separate ‘Advanced search’ page specifically for these news sources. There is also a link to search tips, but unfortunately this page is only in English.

If you are looking for articles from a major newspaper like The Independent, click ‘By Type’, then on ‘Major Newspapers’. You will then get an A-Z list of many international major newspapers that are included in Nexis Uni. Then you click on the newspaper of your choice. Useful if you are only looking for articles from a certain newspaper in a specific period.

If you click on the ‘Benelux News’ tab on the home page, you will also get an overview of all publications from the Benelux that are included in Nexis Uni.

Furthermore, you will find a lot of information about international companies and markets in Nexis Uni (including company profiles, country and industry reports, biographies, etc.) with an extensive search page. There is also a tab for legal sources. You can also create a profile in Nexis Uni to save your searches and search results, for example.

As of 2nd of September, library opening hours changed


As of 2nd of September, opening hours have changed. See also the announcement on Employee Portal and Student Portal.

Monday to Thursday9 am-10.30 pm
Friday  9 am-6 pm

See also our custom opening hours during the summer holidays on this page. 

Library closing days


During the following days, the library will be closed all day.

Monday 23 December through Friday 3 January 2025Christmas holiday
Friday 18 april through Monday 21 aprilEaster weekend
Monday 5 mayLiberation Day
Thursday 29 may and Friday 30 mayAscension holiday
Monday 9 juneWhitsun holiday
Monday 21 july through Friday 22 augustSummer holiday