Week 27

Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy: unique three-dimensional resource!

A combination of unique features makes the Acland's Video Atlas different from all other anatomy teaching resources and provides a truly three-dimensional view of anatomy. The Video Atlas images are direct video recordings of real human anatomical specimens. These prepared body parts are not stiffened or discolored by embalming. Their tissues retain the color, texture and mobility of the living body. Even the movements of the muscles, tendons and joints are the same as in a living body. The fact that the specimen rotates, allows you to see it as a fully three-dimensional object. 

If you create a personal account, you can test how much you already know about anatomy by practicing with the exams.

Many anatomic structures are still known by names given when Greek, Arabic and Latin were languages of learning please refer to the Glossary.

Acland videos can also be searched for using the E-Publication Finder. The advantage of this search method is that you can see immediately if there is an e-book or e-journal about the body part you are looking for. For example, if you search for information about the clavicle, you will get a total of four results. Three Acland’s video’s : The clavicle and scapulaFirst rib and clavicleMovements of the clavicle and scapula and one e-book: Evaluation of Clavicle Injuries