Week 51

The Case Centre: Inspiring teaching with case studies

Teaching through real-life cases
In The Case Centre, you will find a large number of cases in business administration, marketing and management from universities and business schools worldwide. The case studies deal with real situations that confront students with a dilemma or an uncertain outcome. A case is often accompanied by relevant documents, audiovisual items and carefully designed teacher notes.

This database is very suitable for Blended Learning. The website contains both detailed explanations on teaching through cases and writing cases yourself.

Free videos
The Case Centre also offers access to the Prendismo Collection, more than 18,000 two-minute clips from experts on more than 200 topics on business, leadership and entrepreneurship. The video clips can be streamed for free from the Prendismo site for personal or classroom use.

Use of cases
The library has established an institutional membership and centrally places all orders with The Case Centre; but study programs pay for the requested cases themselves. The collection is easy to search. Instructors must first register to receive free preview copies, free cases and instructor materials. This is also necessary to use the cases in teaching. Cases can be ordered according to this ordering procedure.

More online sources
In our database directory, use the filter ‘Information type: case studies’ to find more relevant online cases.

Example of a current case
Artificial Intelligence in Action: Ensuring Ethical and Socially Responsible Hiring Decisions with HireVue.
The Global Head of Talent Acquisition at a multinational company in Paris strived to create an equitable and inclusive workplace. He was concerned by his firm’s plans to implement an AI-based video interview platform, for hiring and selection decisions. This held the promise of increased efficiency, objectivity, and time-saving benefits.
However, the lack of representation in the original dataset, which AI systems rely on, might not have sufficient numbers of reliable observations for the successful hiring of people from underrepresented backgrounds, and non-native speakers, particularly candidates from African descent. Moreover there might be discomfort of interacting with a machine devoid of the warmth and human touch that genuine face-to-face interviews provided.
Whilst recognizing the potential advantages of implementing an AI-based interview platform, he struggled to get past concerns of the system exacerbating discrimination against people of color, non-native speakers, and individuals from marginalized backgrounds.

Week 50

Emerald Insight: Discover Emerald Journal Portfolio and e-Books

Linking research and practice
Emerald Insight is publisher Emerald's platform that includes e-journals and e-books as well as case studies. Our licence provides access to all Emerald e-journals, a portfolio of over 300 journals. The journal articles contain the results of scientific & applied research in a wide range of subject areas such as Accounting, Finance, Economics, Business, Management and Marketing. Want to know more about Reporting in Accountancy? Then choose the journal Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting

Search options
You can perform an easy or advanced search for articles by title, abstract, author or DOI. It is convenient to pre-select only the content we have access to by choosing the option ‘Only content I have access to’. It is also possible to fill in the exact date range in which you want to search. Another search option is to browse through the database content by clicking on the browse function at the top, ‘Browse our content’

Emerald Profile
As a user, you can register for a personal Emerald Profile that allows you to save searches. You can also receive e-mail alerts whenever a new issue of a magazine is published with its table of contents. This way, you automatically stay up to date with the latest developments in your field without having to actively search.