24 March | 15:30 - 17:15

Open college over Film

Docent Simon Burgers geeft college over o.a. de stomme film, Hollywood en niet-westerse speelfilms.

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25 March | 16:00 - 17:30

Interview met schrijver Tommy Wieringa

Tommy wordt geĆÆnterviewd over zijn roman Joe Speedboot door een van de leden van The Lighthouse Boekenclub.

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27 March | 13:00 - 15:00

Life Skills: Superhuman Skills

Workshop over het verbeteren van geheugen, kritisch denken, creativiteit en nieuwe technologieƫn zoals blockchain en AI.

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27 March | 18:30 - 21:30

Little Women with The Lighthouse Filmclub

Join The Lighthouse Film Club and watch Little Women with fellow film enthusiasts!

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31 March | 15:30 - 17:15

Open college over Materie en Kosmos

Docent Simon Burgers geeft college over o.a. Einstein, neutronensterren en onze positie in ruimte en tijd.

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2 April | 14:00 - 17:00

Discover the Impact of Bitcoin

Want to explore Bitcoin and the role of centralized exchanges in the decentralized financial world? Join us to uncover Bitcoinā€™s core and how platforms like Bybit are shaping the digital currency market.

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3 April | 11:00 - 13:00

Life Skills: Financial Freedom

Workshop on strategic financial planning and building financial freedom.

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3 April | 12:00 - 13:00

Trash Walk

The day before Open Day at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, weā€™re coming together to clean up the area. Join us and earn a lunch voucher as a thank-you!

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3 April | 13:00 - 15:00

Life Skills: Quantum & Transcendence

Workshop on the interaction between science and insights around consciousness.

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14 April | 16:00 - 17:30

What are the considerations of prosecutors? How are decisions made?

What prosecutors actually consider when making the choices has been locked away in a black box. Cale's book cracks it open.

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24 April | 18:00 - 21:00

The Apprentice with The Lighthouse Filmclub

Join The Lighthouse Film Club and watch The Apprentice with fellow film enthusiasts!

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8 May | 15:30 - 17:00

Theatersolo MOED

Acteur en docent Mahfoud Mokaddem brengt een voorstelling vol hiphop, videokunst en verhalen van studenten en docenten die zich verloren voelen in het onderwijssysteem. Over die ene docent die jou wƩl ziet, steun en...

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13 May | 18:00 - 21:00

Atonement with The Lighthouse Boekenclub, Book Club & Film Club

Weā€™re joining forces with our Dutch and English book clubs as well as our film club! Weā€™ll be reading Atonement by Ian McEwan, watching the film adaptation, and discussing both the book and the movie.

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20 May | 16:00 - 17:00


Do you have an idea, a story, or a perspective that could inspire others? THUAS Talks is looking for students who want to step onto the stage. This is your time to shine!

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Spodlight Special: Is er voldoende ruimte voor rouw in onze samenleving?

Vroeg of laat maken we allemaal iets moeilijks mee. Maar hoe gaan we daar mee om?
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The Lighthouse Chat on veganism

In this episode Elias and Emma discuss animal rights, veganism and what are reasons to be vegan. Do you have to be privileged to be vegan?
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Spodlight on THUAS Research: How do we tackle societal transitions and challenges together?

Liliya Terzieva, Christine De Lille and Katinka Bergema elaborate upon how to make a difference and contribute to societal impact.
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About The Lighthouse

At The Lighthouse, we provide a diverse range of activities including lectures, discussions, workshops, exhibitions, films, and documentaries. These activities aim to stimulate critical thinking and foster dialogue among our students and staff, addressing societal and political challenges, as well as exploring the world and the future. This strongly resonates with our institution's commitment to global citizenship, encouraging students to expand their horizons, connect with individuals from different backgrounds, and cultivate empathy.

We prioritize organizing these activities in partnership with students, lecturers, and researchers. We also collaborate with external organizations to host events. The Lighthouse events are held on and around the main hall of the campus at Johanna Westerdijkplein. All events are free for university students and staff, and we extend a warm welcome to external visitors as well.

The Lighthouse - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer

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