Inside the Black Box: How International Prosecutors Decide

International prosecutors make important decisions about how international crimes, like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity are prosecuted. Who is going to be charged? What are they going to be charged with? Should they try to negotiate a plea? What sentence should they request? Is it a good idea to appeal? These decisions transform law from an abstract set of ideas into practical action.

But what prosecutors actually have considered when making these choices has been locked away in a black box. Cale Davis cracks it open with his book Prosecutorial Discretion in international criminal justice. 

Through interviews with current and former senior prosecutors at the highest levels of international criminal courts, it illustrates the factors that have informed decision-making and the importance of roles in explaining why these many factors were seen to be relevant. It is the first empirical, interview-based research into this important topic.

Join us on the 14th of April when Cale Davis tells all about this black box and his book Prosecutorial Discretion in international criminal justice.

As always, entrance is free, but we would like you to register. And when you have a question for Cale, you can send that in as well.

Spoken language: English


Foto van Cale Davis

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The Lighthouse - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer