Book launch: Accelerating and scaling up
14 March 2024
Together we tackle societal transitions. Will you be attending the book launch on 2 April at The Hague University of Applied Sciences?
It is important that we work together on major transition issues. Over the past 10 years, we have increasingly been thinking about sustainable solutions for the future in multi- and transdisciplinary networks. What can we learn from this pioneering work? And what is the next step? The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Zwaluw | Innovation & Cooperation and VanWaarde carried out research into this. The results can be read in the book 'Versnellen en Opschalen, samen maatschappelijke transities aanpakken' (Accelerating and scaling up, tackling social transitions together), which will be presented on 2 April during the inauguration of lecturer Liliya Terzieva at The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
As there was still little literature on effective cooperation in transitions, the first actors in this field formed their own learning network. Katinka Bergema (Network Innovator at Zwaluw | Innovation & Collaboration and Transition Manager at VanWaarde), Christine De Lille (former lecturer in Innovation Networks at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Professor at NorthUmbria University) and Liliya Terzieva (lecturer in Designing Value Networks at The Hague University of Applied Sciences) are these pioneers. "We brought in our experience from the Future-Proof Retail project and other partners shared their work from the horticulture, healthcare and aviation sectors," says Christine. "We questioned each other and the participants about the challenges of change. There were so many important insights and stories that we soon said: this is going to be a book.
What, how, why and through what
To flesh out the book, the researchers also asked several other experts from the world of innovation and transition to share their views. In this way, the stories and reflections in the book have both a scientific and a down-to-earth perspective. It is this multifaceted approach that Liliya believes makes the book so special.
The book constantly moves from practice to the underlying processes and methodologies. This makes it very clear what social impact work in transition can have and how. Much more than if we had only highlighted a scientific or only a practical perspective.
Learning together
Katinka points out: "As the initiators of this book, we have learned a lot from each other's reflections. I hope that readers will benefit from this, but above all that this book will encourage them to learn from each other!
Monique de Leeuw, Transition Manager and Partner at VanWaarde - and one of the experts who contributed to the book - confirms this: "There is a growing need for knowledge on how to carry out transition assignments well. It is very good that there is now an overview of the experience gained in recent years in this type of process. This will help us to inspire each other and others and to do our work in transition even better".
Celebratory launch on 2 April
The book “Versnellen en Opschalen, samen maatschappelijke transities aanpakken” is a collaboration between the Designing Value Networks Lectureship at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Zwaluw | Innovatie & Samenwerking and VanWaarde. It will be published on Tuesday 2 April during the inauguration ceremony of lecturer Liliya Terzieva. The book can be ordered via Managementbook.
If you would like to attend the inauguration and book launch, please register here.