ChangeAble: accelerating climate action through behavioural change
13 November 2024
ChangeAble: a project to help policymakers drive sustainable behaviour change for effective climate policy. Together, we are building a climate-conscious, sustainable future!

The Centre of Expertise Global & Inclusive Learning is contributing to the new NWO project ‘ChangeAble: Accelerating Climate Action through Behavioural Change’. Together with five ministries, several civil society organisations and higher education institutions, the ChangeAble consortium is working to promote behavioural changes needed to effectively tackle climate change.
Within this project, senior researcher Rosa Groen from the Global Citizenship Research Group plays an important role. She is collaborating on the ‘Policy-Knowledge Interaction’ component in which policymakers are given tools to better understand and apply behavioural change, specifically focused on sustainability and climate policy. Rosa explains:
At a time when policymakers desperately need the help of scientists and civil society partners to meet climate goals, ChangeAble gives us the opportunity to develop effective government strategies. Our involvement contributes to research around circularity and encouraging sustainable behaviour. I look forward to contributing to this!
Rosa Groen's project part helps ministries by deploying networks, developing communication materials and trainings aimed at supporting sustainable behavioural change. In the coming period, the project will be further expanded with partners such as Natuur & Milieu, MVO Netherlands, Climate Psychology Foundation, Milieu Centraal, HIER and the National Climate Platform.
The ChangeAble consortium consists of a team of experts, including the core team Heleen de Coninck (TU/e), Linda Steg (UvA), Edith Smit (RUG) and Reint Jan Renes (HvA).
Through the collaboration between science and practice, the consortium is making impactful steps towards a sustainable future. Together, we strive for a climate-conscious society and sustainable impact!
More information
Interested in learning more about the ChangeAble project? Contact dr Rosa Groen at [email protected]
Click here to read more about this project on the NWO website.