How celebs like Gwen Stefani wear recycled felt fashion - made in The Hague
20 March 2024
Van der Kemp’s designs are the preliminary highlight of the Trashure project.

Famous pop star Gwen Stefani wore a dress made from it last Christmas, as did singer Camila Cabello during her new album show. And on Paris fashion shows models can be admired in it. Sustainable couture that Dutch fashion designer Ronald van der Kemp creates from felt, made from recycled textile waste by the company i-did in The Hague.
Van der Kemp’s designs are the preliminary highlight of the Trashure project. This attempts to put an end to the enormous mountain of textile waste that Dutch and European consumers throw away every year. How? By recycling the textile waste and using it again for new fashion and clothing.
The project is a collaboration between the famous fashion designer, students from The Hague University of Applied Sciences led by sustainable fashion expert Professor Dr. Kim Poldner, textile collector Sympany and social recycling company i-did.