Nuffic, THUAS and VU investigate Studying without Borders
18 June 2024
From each of their unique perspectives, the three institutions investigate international student mobility and the labor market success of graduates in Dutch higher education.

Nuffic, the Dutch organization for internationalization in education, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have launched a joint study. From each of their unique perspectives, the three institutions investigate international student mobility and the labor market success of graduates in Dutch higher education.
The basis of this research is the dataset 'Studying without Borders' of Statistics Netherlands (CBS). This set contains data from a sample conducted among all higher education graduates from the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years and was compiled together with Nuffic and the Ministry of Education & Culture (OCW). CBS enriched the respondents' data with data on labor market success.
The three research parties aim to better understand the possible influence of international student mobility (credit mobility/exchange) on graduates' success in the labor market. Thereby, the research pays extra attention to equity and the support of students with disabilities.
Nuffic examines the main themes from the dataset: students' international study experiences, both abroad and in international teaching activities in the Netherlands, what they have learned from those experiences in particular, and what effect they believe this has had on finding work.
"We are delighted that we as Nuffic are also increasingly collaborating with researchers from higher education institutions to find out about socially important issues" – Chris Bergholtz and Saoradh Favier, Nuffic
Researchers from The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Theo Bakker, professor of Learning Technology & Analytics, and Jos Beelen, professor of Global Learning, focus on differences in equity of opportunity in having an international experience and finding work.
"Even in internationalization for students, equity of opportunity is not yet self-evident. It's great that Nuffic and the VU want to research this with us." – Theo Bakker, professor of Learning Technology & Analytics
The Vrije Universiteit, led by Sander Begeer, professor of Autism Diversity, conducts in-depth research into the study experience and labor market success of students with autism. Theo Bakker is also participating in this, following up his PhD research on the study progress and success of students with autism.
Also participating in the study are researchers Saoradh Favier, Ece Arat, Jonatan Weenink from Nuffic, Dennis Brouwer from The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and Laura Eberlein from VU Amsterdam. The first results of the study are expected in autumn this year.
More information
Want to know more about this research? Then contact Theo Bakker at [email protected].