Products: Learning Network Normalisation
21 March 2023
Op 7 november 2022 presenteerden Rob Gilsing en Tamara Bos de opbrengsten van het Leernetwerk Normaliseren, dat verbonden is aan de regionale werkplaats SAMEN.

On November 7, 2022, Rob Gilsing and Tamara Bos presented the outcomes of the Learning Network Normalisation, which is linked to the regional workshop SAMEN (together). They argue that our need to detect early deviations from averages and to continuously compare children results in a limited view of children.
Together with the Learning Network Normalisation, they have developed a vision of normalisation, with as the main starting point the personal responsibility of parents and young people, with an eye for their capacity.
You can watch the presentation here.
More information about the results of the Learning Network Normalisation is available at: Kennisnetwerk Jeugd Haaglanden - Producten Leernetwerk Normaliseren