Reappointment Elisabeth Minnemann
13 July 2023
The Supervisory Board is pleased to announce that, at its meeting on 3 July, it decided to appoint Elisabeth Minnemann for a second term as Chairman of the Executive Board of The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
The Supervisory Board (Raad van Toezicht - RvT) is pleased to announce that, at its meeting on 3 July, it decided to appoint Elisabeth Minnemann for a second term as Chairman of the Executive Board (College van Bestuur – CvB) of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS). This second term will run from August 2024 to August 2028.
With the new Institutional Plan, Elisabeth has laid down an inspiring vision for THUAS that has been widely embraced within the institution. She has an activating and participative style where policy development is concerned. Staff and students are and will be actively involved. Thanks to Elisabeth's commitment and attention, THUAS has become more inclusive and diverse. Elisabeth is a worthy ambassador for and face of THUAS.
We wish Elisabeth the best of luck and enjoyment in continuing her work as Chairman of the Executive Board and look forward to our continued cooperation.
Marjet van Zuijlen
Chairman of the Supervisory Board