Szilvia Csevár on the editorial board of new book series
8 June 2023
The series seeks to publish original research on the war/environment nexus from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
A conference on the traditional and ancestral land of the Massachusetts People (currently known as Boston), marked the launch of a new book series of Leiden University Press: Studies in War, Conflict and the Environment. Our researcher Szilvia Csevár from research group United Nations Studies in Justice and Peace will participate in the editorial board and explains: “War is not just a humanitarian crisis; it has critical environmental implications as well. The series seeks to publish original research on the war/environment nexus from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and I'm very excited to be a member of the editorial board.”
The topic of the impact of war on the environment and the way this has shaped human societies will be explored. This series is the first of its kind, as it approaches this from a global perspective, across all historical periods, and from various disciplines such as Studies in War, Conflict and Environment. Examples of subjects that are analysed in volumes are conflict driven by environmental change, war-related demographic shifts that have direct or implicit environmental ramifications, and reconstruction efforts during and after major conflicts and their environmental implications.
Centre for Knowledge Global and Inclusive Learning is proud of the role Szilvia will have in this fascinating project as member of the editorial board.