1 February 2023


Looking back at the Symposium ‘Hydrogenerate Ideas’

We look back on a successful symposium ‘Hydrogenerate Ideas’ (Water-stof tot nadenken) which was held on 24 November…
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31 January 2023


Toolkit for industry associations

One of the biggest cybersecurity vulnerabilities in #SME is staff member behaviour: one wrong mouse click can open de…
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31 January 2023


GROUNDED: Making the invisible applicable

Over the next 8 years, The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Saxion University of Applied Sciences will work…
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31 January 2023


Rosanne Brinkhuis supports goals of the Strategic Plan for teacher education for primary schools (PABO)

Co-creation. It’s not a magic word that appears when you snap your fingers. But it is one of the most important…
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31 January 2023


The Hague University of Applied Sciences starts a new PABO/HALO degree programme

The teacher shortage in the Hague region is still increasing. The demand for teachers who can both teach in a classroom…
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26 January 2023


Fashion retailers are the nr. 1 influencers for consumers

If you aim for more consumer awareness about sustainable fashion, you need to support retail entrepreneurs in how they…
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25 January 2023


Research Group Future Urban Systems going at full speed in 2023!

Looking back, 2022 was an exciting year for our research group. Dr. Rizal Sebastian was appointed as professor at The…
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25 January 2023


THUAS Students collaborated with FUS to win the 2022 Techathon!

The city of Amersfoort can start working on the Hoefkwartier neighborhood. The municipality was presented with one…
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24 January 2023


Inclusion sounds simple, but how do you make it happen?

Inclusion. Co-creation. Nice words, but how do you achieve these in an unruly reality? All voices are meant to be heard…
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24 January 2023


Interview with a researcher in the neighbourhood: Marieke Breed

Health issues and social problems often go hand in hand. This accumulation of problems is too often still seen as…
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24 January 2023


Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Does it actually work?

COIL is becoming increasingly popular within Higher Education Institutes as way to internationalise the curriculum.
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20 January 2023


A new website for The Hague University of Applied Sciences

The past few months we have been working hard to build the new website for THUAS and migrate all the webpages from the…
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