1 June 2022


REBEL WITH A CAUSE: Ronald Van Der Kemp inspires during keynote speech at THUAS

Rebel with a cause: those were the opening words to the keynote that describe Ronald van der Kemp (RVDK), world…
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31 May 2022


Promising programme for Professor Monique Berger’s inaugural lecture

On 16 June 2022, Monique Berger, together with the members of her research group, will present the research themes and…
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16 May 2022


MBA mini conference

The first annual MBA Mini Conference for Sustainability was held at our university on Monday, 16th May 2022.
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25 April 2022


Students present creative concepts to retailers of Next Fashion Retail (NFR)

Clouds of eco-cotton with LED lighting, product information on a clothes hanger with a mini-digiscreen and mannequins…
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21 March 2022


Cooking Your Way to Sustainability

Can we cook our way to Sustainability? An unconventional recipe and some anecdotes to sizzle along the sustainability…
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23 February 2022


The Positive and Sustainable Business Case Calculation

Students are the decision-makers of the future. In projects, students advise businesses or even create their own…
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8 October 2021


PhD candidate Laura Stevens likes to inspire her students

Her students are inspired by her to design beautiful things, based on nature. Laura Stevens – a camp fire girl and…
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26 March 2021


Associate professor Carien Verhoeff: ‘As lecturers and students, let’s be a bit more relaxed when we interact with one another’

She loves it when her own kids tell her stories like this: ‘Those blunt and unpolished stories about how deans,…
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23 February 2021


The Month of

During The Month of, we at Mission Zero put one of our research topics in the spotlight. We share the latest insights…
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