28 May 2024


Research Day Digitalisation of the Built Environment

A growing population, a dire housing shortage, and irreversible climate change. Construction plays a crucial role in…
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24 May 2024


Collaborating for decentralised neighbourhood energy systems

De Groene Mient is a socio-ecological housing project in the Vruchtenbuurt district of The Hague, where 33 households…
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4 October 2023


Atasi Bhattacharjee on her EU training programme about Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in Zurich

Atasi Bhattacharjee,r esearcher of the research group Future Urban Systems recently took part in a EU training program…
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27 September 2023


The Netherlands and Indonesia work together in living labs to make cities more sustainable

Rizal Sebastian sees potential for mutual learning between the Netherlands and Indonesia.
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5 June 2023


Building smart, inclusive cities with Dr Rizal Sebastian

When it comes to sustainability, an area where we can make a significant impact is the urban environment, according to…
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29 March 2023


Head of research group Dr Rizal Sebastian focuses on sustainable, liveable cities

It should be a reality in less than 10 years. Then we will live in climate-neutral cities that run on renewable energy…
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7 March 2023


The Hague University of Applied Science proud partner cooperation 4TU.Bouw

For the theme 'digitization in the built environment' The Hague University of Applied Sciences has become a…
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25 January 2023


Research Group Future Urban Systems going at full speed in 2023!

Looking back, 2022 was an exciting year for our research group. Dr. Rizal Sebastian was appointed as professor at The…
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25 January 2023


THUAS Students collaborated with FUS to win the 2022 Techathon!

The city of Amersfoort can start working on the Hoefkwartier neighborhood. The municipality was presented with one…
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20 June 2022


Research Group Future Urban Systems: from an egg to a vision

The Research Group Future Urban Systems has a newly appointed professor: Dr. Rizal Sebastian.
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8 October 2021


PhD candidate Laura Stevens likes to inspire her students

Her students are inspired by her to design beautiful things, based on nature. Laura Stevens – a camp fire girl and…
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