The Executive Board is responsible for establishing university policy and coordinating daily management within the framework of the long-term policy plans. The Executive Board of The Hague University of Applied Sciences comprises: dr. E.M. (Elisabeth) Minnemann, chairman, drs. A. (Arend) Hardorff (member) and J. (Hans) Nederlof RC (member).

Profiles chairman and members

Dr. E.M. (Elisabeth) Minnemann, Chairman

Elisabeth Minnemann is an executive with experience in the public sector and in business. Developing vision in an inspiring way and connecting different (international) stakeholders. She focuses on cohesion and measurable results. Her core expertise lies in the field of collaboration processes and change management, she has both designed and implemented successful change processes. Her approach is result-oriented with an eye for innovative concepts. Elisabeth Minnemann now lives in The Hague, has previously lived and worked in Malaysia, and is originally from Germany. She has a PhD from Heidelberg University and has written multiple publications.

Additional positions

  • Member of the Board of Stichting Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation
  • Member of the Board Economic Board The Hague
  • Member Economic Board Zuid-Holland
  • Member of the Board Health Campus The Hague
  • Member of the Board dCypher
  •  Member of the Board Universities of Applied Sciences Netherlands (UAS NL)
  • Deputy Chairman of the Committee Good Governance (VH)
  • Member of the Supervisory Board Medical Delta
  • Member of the National Committee on Code of Conduct for Higher Education (VH)

Board Secretary:
+31 (0)70 - 445 88 10

Elisabeth Minnemann

Drs. A. (Arend) Hardorff, Member

Drs. A. (Arend) Hardorff joined the Executive Board at The Hague University of Applied Sciences on 1 September 2022. Arend studied Leisure and Tourism Studies at the University of Tilburg. After his study he worked as a lecturer, program manager and from 2012-2018 as Director of the Academy for Leisure at Breda University of Applied Sciences. From August 2018 until August 2022 he was member of the Executive Board and Dean of Hotelschool The Hague,  responsible for Education and Research.

Additional positions

  • Member of the Board of Het PON/Telos Brabant
  • Member advisory committee Brabant C Fonds of the region Noord-Brabant

Board Secretary:
+31 (0)70 - 445 88 10

Arend Hardoff

H. (Hans) Nederlof RC, member

Hans Nederlof joined The Hague University of Applied Sciences as a member of the Executive Board on 21 August 2023, holding the portfolio of Operations.

Hans is a living example of Lifelong Learning, having combined work and study all his life. He earned the State Practical Diploma in Business Administration in 1992, followed by the Higher Financial Administrative Management (HOFAM), the postgraduate program Register Controller - Non-Profit specialization from Erasmus University and the Executive Program from Nyenrode Business University, to name a few. Hans has held CIO positions (on an interim basis) at, among others, the University of Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Hanzehogeschool, was Director of Finance & Control at the Dutch Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the Social Insurance Bank (SVB). From 2015 until his start at THUAS, he was a member of the Executive Board of Fontys Hogescholen.

Additional positions

  • Member of the funding/digitization committee of the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (VH).
  • Member of the OCW Information Room on behalf of the VH
  • Member of the Studielink Board on behalf of the VH

Board Secretary: 

Hans Nederlof

Portfolio distribution as of 21 August 2023


Elisabeth Minnemann

  • Chair of the Executive Board

  • Chair of CMT

  • External stakeholders

  • Communication and Marketing (Including recruitment of international students)

  • Research, innovation and valorisation

  • Strategy/Institutional Plan

  • Social safety and Inclusion

Arend Hardorff                      

  • Education

  • Student affairs

  • Alumni

  • Portfolio

  • Quality assurance

  • Education for professionals

  • Internationalisation

  • Caribbean students

  • Teacher shortage

Hans Nederlof

  • Financial Policy

  • Planning & Control

  • Information Technology

  • Facilities Management

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including Data Protection Officer (DPO)

  • Deputy chair CMT

  • Human Resources Policy

  • Integral safety

  • Knowledge safety

  • Sustainability

Service Departments

  • Office of the Board Service Department (BZ)


  • Education, Knowledge & Communication Service Department (EK&C)

  • Business Administration & Control (BA&C)

  • Facilities and Information Technology Service Department (F&IT)

  • Human Resources Management Department (HRM)