Our research
Working towards change
What will the hospital of the future look like? How can we provide a sustainable energy supply? How do we protect organisations from cyber threats? There are many current issues in our society that require knowledge and innovation.
The Hague University of Applied Sciences wants to contribute through practice oriented research. Besides providing education, this is our second most important core task. Research makes education, society and the professional world stronger and more innovative. By working closely with our partners, we promote knowledge development and sharing. In 2017, THUAS outlined its research ambitions in Research Strengthens.
Research in our six Centres of Expertise
We have been strengthening the position of our research for years. All our research is housed within six Centres of Expertise. Each centre of expertise focuses on a specific theme and designs its research programme in partnership with the relevant degree programmes. Professors, lecturer-researchers and students conduct research together with corporate partners, governments and other groups in society. The themes of the centres are aligned with relevant (social) issues in the city and the area, which often also play out nationally and internationally. By choosing these issues and working closely with its partners, the Centres of Expertise are able to generate an impact on innovation, knowledge development and knowledge sharing.
Our approach also ties in with the future vision that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences and the SIA Taskforce outlined in their Exploration of practice-oriented research at universities of applied sciences.

These are our six Centres of Expertise
Cyber Security: creating a safe digital world
Our dependence on digital systems and networks is still growing. That is why it’s more important than ever to create a safe digital world. Small and medium sized businesses and public services such as water councils, schools and hospitals, are often not prepared enough to deal with cyber threats or lack the capacity to fend off cyber attacks. The Cyber Security Centre of Expertise researches how these organisations can improve their cybersecurity.
Digital Operations & Finance: connecting the data streams
The role of technology in the business community and society continues to grow. Never before have we had so much data and computing power at our disposal. Connecting the physical and financial data streams in business processes is essential to transition from a ‘serviceable economy’ to an ecologically and socially sustainable economy. The Digital Operations & Finance Centre of Expertise researches the possibilities and limitations in digital, economic and financial aspects.
Global and Inclusive Learning: equal opportunities for students and professionals
Create and justify equal opportunities for students and professionals. At the Global and Inclusive Learning Centre of Expertise we research what processes would help to achieve this. We’re also looking for the best ways to actively promote inclusive education and an inclusive society. We support each learning individual in their talent development to enable them to become responsible professionals and critical consumers.
Governance of Urban Transitions: a new form of city governance
The world is rapidly urbanising. At the same time, city governance is changing as well. How do we deal with diversity and inequality and ensure social mobility, security and sufficient housing? Together with urban stakeholders, the Governance of Urban Transitions Centre of Expertise conducts practice oriented research to find new forms of governance that reflect the transitions the city is facing.
Health Innovation: social and technological innovations for healthy citizens
We are seeing a growing focus on providing care closer to home, taking ownership, small-scale care and flexible networks. Technology is a mainstay in our transition to a more sustainable positive health and even creates more opportunities. The Health Innovation Centre of Expertise uses social and technological innovations to promote citizens’ health and create the conditions for a healthy life cycle.
Mission Zero: an economy entirely fuelled by sustainable energy
The Mission Zero Centre of Expertise has a clear mission: to create an economy entirely fuelled by sustainable energy and renewable resources and materials. Or rather: to stop using new resources and unsustainable energy. Finding these solutions requires multidisciplinary research. This means a holistic approach involving the technology, the economy, society and governance.