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During this master's, you work towards a multi-faceted career. A career in which you closely follow technological and social changes and initiate them yourself. You become aware of your role between your own discipline and the world around it, and come up with increasingly innovative solutions.

Transitions in society play a central role in this master's programme. This is because we believe that the best way to learn to deal with change is to be closely involved in it. By creatively combining different techniques and key technologies, your solutions become more sustainable, efficient and effective. With us, you learn to approach problems from less obvious perspectives. To think and act flexibly too. This makes collaboration much easier and innovations arise naturally. And as a result, you create more opportunities for yourself on the labour market.

Everything about admission

Admission requirements

The Master Next Level Engineering is designed for ambitious students from several technical backgrounds. To be admissible for the master you need a bachelor’s degree in a technical domain, such as: 

  • Applied Mathematics 

  • Built Environment 

  • Electrical Engineering 

  • Human & Technology I Movement Technology

  • Industrial Design Engineering 

  • Industrial Engineering & Management 

  • Mechanical engineering 

  • Mechatronics 

  • Process & Food Technology 

  • Technical Physics 

Students of these or similar programmes are eligible to start the master if they follow the steps of the admission procedure. (Graduated) bachelor students with a suitable technical profile or demonstrable technical knowledge and skills are also admissible, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.  

You can expect a study load of at least 40 hours per week. To successfully complete this master, it is essential that you keep up with the fast pace of the programme. You will work in teams and will often be interacting with the other master students, as well as the lecturers. 

The programme will be fully in English, so a good command of the English language is required.  

For more information or to apply directly?

Check the registration conditions or apply directly:

  1. Register your enrolment in Osiris, our enrolment system.
  2. Upload digital copies of your CV, relevant diplomas and list of grades. You will hear within a week whether you meet the admission requirements.
  3. Optional: intake interview. Do you not have a relevant educational entry level but you do have a higher professional education work and thinking level? During an intake interview, the programme manager will assess whether you are sufficiently qualified for the degree programme in question.
  4. If your employer funds the degree programme, we will ask you for a completed employer's statement. You can print out and upload this PDF. You will receive confirmation by e-mail that you have been admitted to the degree programme. Invoicing will follow after the start, but the employer’s statement must be in before the start of degree programme. You can upload a blank sheet if you don't manage to get the employer's statement signed immediately. 

How to apply

Admission procedure

Once you have applied to the programme via Studielink, you will be invited for an intake interview. This intake interview is used to examine whether there is a sufficient match between you and the programme. The intake procedure will include the following aspects. 

  • Pitch and motivation letter 

We ask you to prepare a pitch and write a motivation letter. In the pitch you will show why you will be a good candidate and how you think this master prepares you for your future professional position. In the motivation letter, you will explain why the programme suits you. 

  • An analytical test  

The test will be to determine whether you have a sufficient command of mathematics. 

  • An intake interview 

In the interview your pitch will be discussed. We will also discuss if you are ready to work in a disciplinary team and if the master's level of this programme suits you. After all, you will be expected to be quite independent during this programme. Of course, you will also have every opportunity to ask us questions. 

When the outcome of the conversation is mutually positive, we will see each other in September, at the start of the programme. If there are doubts, we will discuss these. We may advise you not to start the programme. It is up to you to decide whether you continue or cancel your application. 

Degree programme content

The one-year Master's in Next Level Engineering (60 EC) consists of two semesters of 30 EC each:

Jaarprogramma NLE

Career perspective

When you successfully complete this master, you will receive the Master of Science degree. At this point, you will be a versatile professional capable of going into different directions, in line with the various themes you were introduced to during the programme. We expect you to take roles as a (technical) consultant or innovator in technical organisations. As Next Level Engineer, you can, for example start working at:

  • technical consultancy companies
  • technical health innovation companies
  • sustainable energy companies
  • smart industry companies

Practical information

What else do you need to know?

How to apply

Your enrolment request must be submitted through Studielink. Before you do, please check the official name of the programme below. Would you like to find out more about the application process first? Check our page How to apply. The key deadlines are listed here as well. This degree programme starts in September and there is no intake in February. 

Tuition fee

You will have to pay tuition fees when you enrol on a programme. You can pay in one or more instalments. If you pay in more than one instalment a small administration fee is charged. 

More information about tuition fees.


Find out more about scholarships for international students. Please note that these scholarships are one-off scholarships only, meaning that if you obtain them it is only for your first year of study. 

Student finance 

Dutch students qualify for extra financial support via a loan. Dutch students automatically qualify for this financial assistance and international students may be eligible if they have lived in the Netherlands for at least five years or are employed for at least 56 hours per month. 

Additional Costs 

You must also budget for books, excursions and field trips. You can expect to pay approximately €800 per year to cover these additional costs. During your semester abroad, you will also need to pay for tickets, housing and insurance. 

Visa and residence permit 

More information about the visas and residence permits. 

Official details of the programme

This degree programme is registered in the Central Register of Higher Education Programmes (CROHO) as follows:  

  • Official Dutch name of degree programme: Next Level Engineering 
  • Official international name: Next Level Engineering 
  • Programme code (Isat): 49144  
  • Institution code (Brin): 27UM  

Both the official Dutch and the official international name of the degree programme (current at the time of your graduation) will be printed on your diploma. 
For more information on the accreditation of this degree programme, see the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) website. 
