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The Master of Business Administration with a specialization in Big Data Analytics at  The Hague University of Applied Sciences Pro offers a balanced combination of business administration and big data analysis.

Aligned with our core values, this master's program has an international focus. You will gain a deep understanding of (international) collaboration. Social and societal responsibility is an aspect that are consistently addressed throughout the master's programme. This MBA offers three specific elective modules that allow you to specialize in big data.

During the program, you will learn to recognize and evaluate large amounts of data. You will acquire the skills to draw valid conclusions based on your analysis using modern analytical techniques. The organization you work for can improve its performance in areas such as development, marketing, finance, and HRM based on these conclusions. Throughout the master's program, you will be involved in several cases that bridge the gap between theory and practice, in which you, as an expert, will provide added value. Similar to many other programs at The Hague University of Applied Sciences Pro, we place great importance on connecting with the job market.

Is this something for you?

You are a professional at the HBO or academic level. After completing your education, you have already made your mark in the business world, at an organization, or in a government institution. You have a clear affinity for quantitative (numerical) analysis. On one hand, you have a growing interest in business processes and their management. On the other hand, you are also curious about how data analysis can influence these processes. In fact, within your organization, you want to take the lead by translating all available data into useful information as effectively as possible. The MBA program, specialization in Big Data Analytics, provides you with all the tools you need to achieve that.


  1. Admission Requirements:
    1. Admission criteria: To be eligible for the MBA with a specialization in Big Data Analytics, you must have a relevant bachelor's degree with a sufficiently strong quantitative component. Additionally, you should have a minimum of 3 years of work experience and preferably work in a data-oriented environment.
    2. More information or apply directly?

Choose the MBA program of The Hague University of Applied Sciences in Studielink, after which you will receive a link to register in the OSIRIS system. In OSIRIS, you can select the Big Data Analytics specialization. Please review the Enrollment Requirements [should be a link].

  1. Why this program?

You want to pursue a high-quality MBA program while combining it with your interest in big data. More and more organizations have a need for effective big data analysis. With this program, you will provide significant added value to companies.

The knowledge you gain will only become more relevant in the future.

The three core courses within Big Data will be taught in English as the standard language of instruction. Data centers worldwide receive enormous amounts of data per second, data that can be of great interest to businesses. But how do you analyze that big data? The number of experts in this field is much lower than the demand for such specialists. This master's program is highly practical. Throughout your studies, you will work on various cases and assist organizations in solving business problems related to big data analysis. This Master of Business Administration provides you with the opportunity to specialize in big data analytics. The program has a strong multidisciplinary character.

  1. Your investment
  2. We need two of these tables. One for the FT and one for the PT.

Admission requirements

Everything about admission
  • Bachelor degree 
  • Final transcript 
  • English level test score (IELTS minimum score of 6.0 on every sub score and an overall minimum score of 6.0; or equivalent test) 
  • 2 years relevant professional work experience (MBA PT 3 years) 
  • Mandatory intake interview 
  • Motivation Statement 
  • Recommendation letter 
  • Resumé / Curriculum Vitae 
For more information or to apply directly?

Check the registration conditions or apply directly:

  1. Register your enrolment in Osiris, our enrolment system.
  2. Upload digital copies of your CV, relevant diplomas and list of grades. You will hear within a week whether you meet the admission requirements.
  3. Optional: intake interview. Do you not have a relevant educational entry level but you do have a higher professional education work and thinking level? During an intake interview, the programme manager will assess whether you are sufficiently qualified for the degree programme in question.
  4. If your employer funds the degree programme, we will ask you for a completed employer's statement. You can print out and upload this PDF. You will receive confirmation by e-mail that you have been admitted to the degree programme. Invoicing will follow after the start, but the employer’s statement must be in before the start of degree programme. You can upload a blank sheet if you don't manage to get the employer's statement signed immediately. 

How to apply

Uitspraken over je toelating

Op de officiële toelatingseisen kunnen geen uitzonderingen worden gemaakt. Alleen de afdeling CSI kan uitspraken doen over je toelaatbaarheid op basis van de officiële regels. Aan mededelingen van anderen over je toelaatbaarheid of informatie op deze website kun je geen rechten ontlenen.

Why this program?

You want to pursue a high-quality MBA program while combining it with your interest in big data. More and more organizations have a need for effective big data analysis. With this program, you will provide significant added value to companies.

The knowledge you gain will only become more relevant in the future.

The three core courses within Big Data will be taught in English as the standard language of instruction. Data centers worldwide receive enormous amounts of data per second, data that can be of great interest to businesses. But how do you analyze that big data? The number of experts in this field is much lower than the demand for such specialists. This master's program is highly practical. Throughout your studies, you will work on various cases and assist organizations in solving business problems related to big data analysis. This Master of Business Administration provides you with the opportunity to specialize in big data analytics. The program has a strong multidisciplinary character.

Your investment

How much money and time do you invest?

Start date

Introduction days August 28 and 29, 2024

Start date: September 2, 2024

Duration24 months (part time)
ClassesMonday evenings (18:00 – 21:00) and Tuesday evenings (18.00-21.00). Some lectures may be scheduled on Tuesday afternoons (14:00 – 17:00).
Self-study10 to 12 hours per week
Time commitment16 to 18 hours per week
Costs in one payment€ 21,995
Costs in instalments€ 22,495
Book expenses€ 1,000
More about costs

You do not have to pay VAT for this master's program. Your organization can fully declare the costs of this master's program as business expenses.

Programme content

In the master MBA Big Data Analytics, the following topics will be addressed:

Year 1
Year 2

Praktische info

Diploma en erkenning

Wanneer je deze master succesvol hebt afgerond:

  • krijg je het MBA-diploma;
  • mag je de titel Master of Business Administration voeren;
  • kun je een belangrijke rol spelen in de overgang van een traditionele naar een datagedreven organisatie;
  • kun je leiding geven aan dat transitieproces;
  • ben je een deskundige gesprekspartner voor data-analytici en voor managers op strategisch en operationeel niveau.
Hulp bij studiekeuze

We helpen je graag de juiste keuze maken

Heb je nog vragen? Of wil je hulp bij je opleidingskeuze? Neem contact op met een opleidingsadviseur.

Hulp tijdens je studie

Je krijgt hulp bij het studeren. Studeren naast je werk is een behoorlijke opgave, daarom bieden we begeleiding aan. Een studiecoach coacht je tijdens studiegesprekken op school en op je werkplek. Je brengt samen je gewenste studieverloop in kaart in relatie tot je werkplek en stelt een persoonlijk plan op over hoe jij je studie en je persoonlijke ontwikkeling vorm wil geven. Naast deze studiecoach kun je terecht bij onze psycholoog, vertrouwenspersoon, decaan of in het loopbaancentrum voor alle andere vragen of hobbels waar je tegenaan loopt. 

Voor meer informatie over decanen/studentpsychologen, topsport, ondersteuning bij de Nederlandse taal of studeren met een functiebeperking kijk op onze pagina over ondersteuning tijdens je studie.

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