About the Centre of Expertise

The mission of the Centre of Expertise Cyber Security is to strengthen the cyber resilience of public and private organisations that are themselves less equipped to deal with cyber threats.  Cyber resilience represents the ability of organisations to recognise cyber threats and respond to them appropriately. The focus on cyber resilience stems from the observation that organisations will all have to deal with cyber incidents sooner or later and therefore need to focus not only on preventive measures, but also, for example, on detection and response.

In order to gain a better understanding of how to realise cyber resilience, our research focuses on three sub-areas:

  1. People: which behavioural and attitudinal aspects influence cyber resilience and how can organisations improve these aspects for cyber resilience?
  2. Organisation: which organisational aspects influence cyber resilience and how can organisations improve these aspects for cyber resilience?
  3. Technology: which technical aspects influence cyber resilience and how can organisations improve these aspects for cyber resilience?

Since its establishment in 2015, the Centre of Expertise Cyber Security has grown rapidly, and a great deal of practice-oriented research has been completed. We remain committed to sustaining previous successes and creating synergies between practice-oriented research, education and professional practice.


Cybersecurity Living Lab: Co-creating Cybersecurity)

The Cybersecurity Living Lab is an experimental working environment where students, researchers, companies, public institutions, and end-users collaborate to develop, test, and evaluate new ideas, products, and services...

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Project C-SIDE: Cyber Security by Integrated Design

The primary objective of C-SIDE is to develop a methodology for designing secure software systems.

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Factors contributing to negotiation, payment, and reporting by ransomware victims

Ransomware is currently considered one of the primary online threats. However, little is known about the extent of ransomware victimization among citizens and entrepreneurs.

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20 September 2024


Cyber risk management should primarily become shared risk management

Peter Roelofsma new professor of Risk Management & Cyber Security

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14 September 2023


Rutger Leukfeldt receives ERC Starting Grant

Rutger Leukfeldt has received this prestigious European grant for his research proposal titled "Cybercrime Pathways; The online-offline nexus in cybercrime".

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29 March 2023


Municipalities suffer from digital cold feet

Municipalities should do more to tackle cybercrime. After all, it claims many victims and the impact on victims is often significant.

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Factors influencing entrepreneurs in reporting ransomware victimization

Researchers from the Centre of Expertise Cyber Security investigated the willingness of entrepreneurs to report ransomware victimization. What determines whether they choose to report an incident or not?


Information security education based on job profiles and the e-CF

The information security field requires standardised education. This could be based on generic job profiles and a standard competence framework. The question is whether this is possible and feasible.


Cyber crises require anticipation and improvisation

The ransomware attack on Maastricht University (2019) and the wiperware attack on Maersk (2017) painfully demonstrated that major incidents cannot be prevented and can even turn into cyber crises.


Leading a cyber incident response team

Jelle Groenendaal and Ira Helsloot present a model of cyber incident command that aims to support leaders by providing practical and applicable insights into decision-making under challenging conditions.

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Secure Naming for Distributing Computing using the Condensed Graph Model

Implementing a distributed computation architecture has several basis functional requirements, such as load balancing, fault tolerance and security. The challenge is in how you manage these requirements as a...