
The world is rapidly urbanising. At the same time, the relationship between citizens and city management is changing. How do we deal with diversity and inequality and ensure social mobility, security, participation opportunities and sufficient housing? 

Together with urban parties, the Centre of Expertise for Governance of Urban Transitions conducts practice-oriented research based on social issues and new forms of governance that reflect the transitions the city is facing.

These issues require an interdisciplinary approach. The Centre of Expertise combines expertise on social issues in The Hague area with new forms of governance, technology and design. These themes constantly interact with each other. For example, governance is always connected to social issues, and technology is often part of the solution. The studies carried out by the Centre of Expertise contribute to an inclusive city; a city that offers opportunities for all and is convenient for everyone to reside and live in.

In the Centre of Expertise, we work in and with professional practice, such as learning networks or urban labs. Citizens, students, lecturers, researchers, civil servants, social professionals and/or entrepreneurs work together to achieve an inclusive city. 

As a Centre of Expertise, we conduct practice-oriented research and thus provide a direct contribution to education, professional practice and society.


Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ)

With the project, we contribute to improving higher satisfaction in a number of domains among older people.
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More insight into migration in The Hague

Over the next three years, the municipality of The Hague and the Center of Expertice Governance of Urban Transitions will work together on this through a joint research agenda on migration and local policy.
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Play-friendly cities

More and more children in the Netherlands are overweight, don't exercise enough and have poor motor skills. For children to become healthy and fit adults, it is important to encourage them to exercise more.
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20 April 2023


Improving a neighbourhood together with residents: how do you make this happen?

As a municipality, how do you increase neighbourhoods’ livability in conjunction with people who live and work there?
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6 April 2023


Client experience survey youth care Leidschendam-Voorburg 2020 – 2021

At the request of the municipality of Leidschendam-Voorburg, the Research Group Youth Aid in Transformation of The…
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21 March 2023


Products: Learning Network Normalisation

Op 7 november 2022 presenteerden Rob Gilsing en Tamara Bos de opbrengsten van het Leernetwerk Normaliseren, dat…
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Within our Centre of Expertise, researchers, lecturer-researchers and students work closely with practice partners to conduct research. Together they are committed to translating the results of the research -knowledge and insights- into the practice of education and the region.


Meet our team

teamleden kenniscentrum Governance of Urban Transitions