Factors contributing to negotiation, payment, and reporting by ransomware victims
Ransomware is currently considered one of the primary online threats. However, little is known about the extent of ransomware victimization among citizens and entrepreneurs.
Centre of Expertise Cyber Security

Ransomware is currently considered one of the primary online threats. However, little is known about the extent of ransomware victimization among citizens and entrepreneurs. Additionally, more insight is needed into how victims respond to ransomware: whether they negotiate and/or proceed with ransom payment, whom they potentially report the incident to, and what factors contribute to these actions. This research analyzes the factors influencing negotiation, payment, and reporting by ransomware victims.
Problem Statement
How often do Dutch citizens and businesses fall victim to ransomware? How do they respond in terms of negotiation, payment, and reporting, and how does this align with the advice given by the police and IT/cybersecurity companies?
Research Methods
- Questionnaire for Dutch citizens and entrepreneurs who have fallen victim to ransomware, focusing on the incident, its impact, and their assistance needs.
- Questionnaire for Dutch citizens and entrepreneurs who have not fallen victim to ransomware, focusing on their willingness to pay and report in a hypothetical scenario (vignette).
- Interviews with police personnel, cybersecurity experts, and IT service providers.
- Expert meeting.
May 2023 to May 2024
The research is funded by Police and Science.
Sifra Matthijsse: [email protected]
Susanne van ’t Hoff-de Goede: [email protected]
Rutger Leukfeldt: [email protected]