Money and finance in the digital age
This research of New Finance focuses on public digital money (and in particular the digital euro), stablecoins, deposit banks, cryptocurrencies, financial instability, monetary policy, and the liberalization and re...
The introduction of digital technologies leads to new threats and opportunities for the design of the monetary and financial system. For example, it enabled the introduction of thousands of private cryptocurrencies and stablecoins and led to the publication of hundreds of papers on the (possible) introduction of public digital money ̶ called central bank digital currencies, CBDCs by central bankers. Currently, this research of New Finance focuses on public digital money (and in particular the digital euro), stablecoins, deposit banks, cryptocurrencies, financial instability, monetary policy, and the liberalization and re-regulation of banking.
Key recent publications in English:
Linden, M.J. van der (2022). Desing guidelines for the monetary and financial system in the digital age. PhD. Thesis Delft University of Technology.
Linden, M.J. van der, A.D. Costa, T. Dissaux, W. Kalinowski, M. Sanders, A. Simić, and V. Van Eyck (2023). Digital euro — opportunity, or solution in search of a problem? Opinion at EUobserver, July 17.
Costa, A.D, T. Dissaux, A. Simic, M.J. van der Linden, and V. Van Eyck (2023). A Digital Euro for the People. Position Paper Positive Money Europe and Veblen Institute, June.
Haans, J, M.J. van der Linden, D.C. Esquivel, and O.G.A Solano (2023). Lessons from the first implemented CBDC: the Sand dollar. Digital Euro Association Blog, June 23.
Giordano, C. (2023). On the demand for a digital euro. Digital Euro Association Blog, May 22.
Linden, M.J. van der, and B. Meulenbeld (2022). Developing a successful digital euro. Opinion at Euractiv, November 23.
Key recent publications in Dutch:
Haans, J., and M.J. van der Linden (2023). Lessen van de eerste geïmplementeerde CBDC: de Sand dollar. Article at MeJudice, May 10.
M.J. van der Linden, and E. Smit (2023). We zitten weer in een grote bankencrisis. Hoe kan die in de toekomst worden voorkomen? Article at Follow the Money, March 27.
Bollen, T., M.J, van der Linden, and J. van Roermond (2022). Aan een digitale euro die niet met banken concurreert, heeft niemand iets. Article at Follow the Money, November 28.