How can we encourage students in pursuing their ideals and at the same time contribute to participation, inclusion, empowerment and collaboration across THUAS? The Student-led Research Unit (SRU) is an active platform for transformative research to engage, empower and impart skills to students as young professionals. We do research for the students, by the students.  

SRU fosters the inquiry-based learning culture within THUAS and as a project within the  Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning, advances innovative research methodologies. Our focus is on student-led and community-led research. We explore how we can use lived experiences of shared concern. We offer actionable solutions and nurture leadership and community-building at the same time. 

Student-led Research Unit logo

Our research projects

With a focus on lived experiences of students within THUAS, our student researchers explore issues that they initiated themselves (student-led). For example, the (role of) sense of belonging in the university community as well as responsibilities between university and students and their impact on mental health.   

Other students carry out research that has been initiated by organisational units within THUAS (e.g. Inclusion Office, Well-being Office) that are keen to learn about various aspects of the students’ educational experience.  

One of the projects focuses on designing policy suggestions for addressing transgressive behaviours with a more participatory and inclusive report system. It also explores experiences of unaddressed transgressive behaviours conduct within THUAS and reasons behind the low reporting of incidents.  

These projects draw on the analyses of lived experiences of students. Based on these experiences and comparative overviews of best practices, the students are able to make policy recommendations to transform policies and procedures – all toward a more democratic, just and inclusive university community.  

Several students are involved in ongoing research projects carried out by the various research groups within the Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning. Amongst these are the projects on inclusive language in education connected to the research group Inclusive education. These projects offer learning context for students to experience more agency through participation and inclusion. In the Partner Up! project, for example, students, faculty and programme directors work together (co-creation) to shape parts of the educational plans and foster culture for more inclusion.   

Interested as a student?

SRU is open to students from all educational programmes within THUAS. Students can put their sense of inquiry to good use and explore topics about inclusive participation, diversity, equality and citizenship with us.  

But we are also open to other themes and issues and would love to invite all interested students to contribute to discussions, explore a specific issue that applies to the wider community of THUAS, and join our research platform. Use the nvs-button below to contact us. 

Looking for cooperation partners

We are also keen to establish ties around projects with (social) organisations that connect to the values of inclusion, participation, diversity and equity. Working on assignments provided by such organisations would offer a valuable experience for the students to learn new skills and expand their professional network.  

Partners can be ensured of committed students with fresh ideas and opinions who engage hands-on with their mission. 

Project leader/Researcher

The coordinator of SRU is Dr Tamara Takács, who is also strategic advisor at the Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning. 

More information 

Follow us on LinkedIn for our current activities. 

Want to join or cooperate?

Contact Tamara