A healthier THUAS (Healthy@HHS)

How can THUAS become a healthy university and help its students and staff members at school and at work to lead and/or…
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Motor skills for Developmental Coordination Disorder

There are children who have difficulties with their motor skills and find it hard to learn how to exercise. Sometimes…
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Living Lab Social Domain and Technology

How do we ensure that care remains accessible, affordable and viable now and in the future? Technology can play an…
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Playful Exertion Interfaces

Playful interactive technology such as 'exertion games' can be helpful in getting children to exercise. These…
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'IT4Senioren' during COVID-19

Digital skills are indispensable nowadays, even for seniors. Whether arranging online banking, passing on a move or…
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Innovations in sport and exercise in the SportLab

The SportLab is a practical environment (‘field lab’) at the Zuiderpark Sports Campus. At the SportLab, researchers are…
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Learning to live healthily during rehabilitation (NICE4ALL)

Rehabilitation after illness is an excellent opportunity to achieve a healthy lifestyle with more exercise and a…
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Functioning as a family with a child with multiple disabilities

The presence of a child with multiple complex disabilities has many consequences for family life. Many parents say it…
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A healthy lifestyle for cancer patients (Medical Delta Living Lab Better In Better Out)

People with cancer recover faster if they are in better shape at the start of their treatment. Being fit goes hand-in-…
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Food Boost Challenge: healthy eating for and by young people

How do you encourage young people to eat more fruit and vegetables? Based on research by the Healthy Lifestyle in a…
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Innovating in rehabilitation and mobility (Field Lab Rehabilitation & Mobility)

Nowadays, innovative technology can support rehabilitation and encourage more exercise. By using the technological…
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Breinstraat, platform for young people with TBI

Young people with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) face many challenges in their daily lives. Contact with other young…
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