Mapping accessibility of public facilities (On the move together)

For people with disabilities, information about the accessibility of public facilities is very important. Knowing in…
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Education Analytics

To increase the chance of study success, it is important to identify the causes of failure. The Data Science research…
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'IT4Senioren' during COVID-19

Digital skills are indispensable nowadays, even for seniors. Whether arranging online banking, passing on a move or…
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Smart Teddy Project

By moving its tail and reacting to movement or touch, the Smart Teddy offers seniors companionship in the home.
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Firefighters project

Recent increase in wild fires in France, and around the world, are an unfortunate example of the current challenges…
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Transition to Sustainable Energy project

The DATALESs project is a collaboration between Dutch and Chinese research institutions aiming to tackle challenges…
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Skin Cancer Diagnosis project

The aim of this project is the early detection of skin cancer which will lead to better chances of recovery and…
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Diabetic Foot Ulcers project

A Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes and can lead to a lower limb amputation if not…
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