Wheelchair Mobility Performance Monitor

A study into making wheelchair performance measurements accessible for daily use.
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Better performances in wheelchair sports with WheelPower

The Dutch wheelchair athletes delivered an outstanding performance at the Rio 2016 Paralympic games. To maintain and…
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Research programme: 'Basalt in motion’

Exercise is important for rehabilitation patients, and it is almost always part of the treatment. To support them, The…
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Encouraging people with a physical limitation to exercise

Exercise is very important for people with a physical limitation, both for their physical and mental health. Sports and…
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Motor skills for Developmental Coordination Disorder

There are children who have difficulties with their motor skills and find it hard to learn how to exercise. Sometimes…
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Innovations in sport and exercise in the SportLab

The SportLab is a practical environment (‘field lab’) at the Zuiderpark Sports Campus. At the SportLab, researchers are…
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Innovating in rehabilitation and mobility (Field Lab Rehabilitation & Mobility)

Nowadays, innovative technology can support rehabilitation and encourage more exercise. By using the technological…
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