Research into the effectiveness of COIL
COIL is becoming increasingly popular within Higher Education Institutes as way to internationalise the curriculum.
Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning

COIL is becoming increasingly popular within Higher Education Institutes as way to internationalise the curriculum. COIL is also listed as one of THUAS’ ambitions in the Institutional Strategic Plan 2023- 2028. However there is very little empirical evidence to support that it is actually effective and helps students develop intercultural competence. Therefore, as part of her PhD research at Utrecht University, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Faculty of Health, Nutrition and Sports and Global Learning Lectorate, Simone Hackett has put the COIL method to the test. Her findings were published on 24th January in the renowned International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.
Link to THUAS article: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Does it actually work?