Change Management
Centre of Expertise Digital Operations & Finance

The Change Management research group not only focuses on the management of change, but also researches ways to change management itself (changing management).
We do this by placing known management themes in a new light. What are the positive sides of gossip, for instance? Can we consider hesitation a positive aspect of an organisation and not just a sign of incompetence or inability? Is the pop-up store an insignificant marketing hype or does this phenomenon reflect the organisations of the future? And does stewardship still have meaning nowadays?
About the research group
Changing management also means that we find inspiration in practices that at first glance may appear to have little relevance to management or organisation. Art, for example. What can managers learn from the way in which artists deal with uncertainty or ambiguity? And can professionals in organisations benefit from what is already known in the theatre world about creating and utilising space? But we also aim our spotlight at the world of sports. What is the phenomenon of ‘flow’ that seems to play such an important role among successful athletes? Can you achieve flow in organisations?
In other words, the Change Management research group continuously explores the boundaries of the specialisation. We do so based on the conviction that genuine innovation can only be achieved if we dare to set aside firm beliefs and set to work with new, experimental forms of management and organisation.
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About the professor
dr. Jacco van Uden
Jacco van Uden studied Business Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he specialised in change management. After graduating, he worked at Nyenrode Business University (Center for Organisational Learning and Change) for two years, after which he conducted doctoral research at the University of Humanistic Studies. His thesis ‘Organisation and Complexity’ focused on how organisational science can benefit from complexity theory. At the end of 2011, Jacco became a project leader/senior researcher at The Hague University of Applied Sciences for the KITE120 project (Entrepreneurship and Innovation research group). He has been the head of the Change Management research group since 1 February 2013.

Within our research group, researchers, lecturer-researchers and students work closely with practice partners to conduct research. Together they are committed to translating the results of the research -knowledge and insights- into the practice of education and the region.