Global Learning
Centre of Expertise Global and Inclusive Learning

The research group Global Learning was launched on 1 January 2018. The research group focuses on the global professional and personal skills that all our students learn through their home curricula.
Following the focus on inclusive education at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, our internationalisation should go beyond a study abroad experience that only a minority of students will be able to benefit from. We aim to reach all our students through internationalised home curricula, while continuing to offer short and long term mobility options.
About the research group
Following the focus on inclusive education at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, our internationalisation should go beyond a study abroad experience that only a minority of students will be able to benefit from. We aim to reach all our students through internationalised home curricula, while continuing to offer short and long term mobility options.
Research themes
1. Skills of lecturers as facilitators of global learning
The research group aims to identify the skills of lecturers that enable them to design and facilitate internationalised learning for all students. The research group explicitly addresses all programmes at THUAS, particularly the domestic programmes (i.e. those taught in Dutch). Disciplinary differences play an important role in contextualising the international and intercultural dimension to the programme of study. Therefore, most of this research takes the form of action research.
The research group also contributes to the enhancement of professional development for internationalisation and to monitoring the effect of such professional development.
2. The implementation of global learning for all
The research group aims to research the implementation of global learning -for all students- in two dimensions: as an element of the process of teaching and learning and curriculum development and as an element of processes in management and leadership.
In the first dimension, the focus is primarily on lecturers, but also on educational developers, curriculum developers and quality assurance officers. The second dimension focuses on leaders, managers and international officers. Our research includes all instruments that can internationalise teaching and learning, particularly Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL).
3. Global learning in the continuous pathway for internationalisation.
This research theme is based on the advice of the Education Council of the Netherlands to consider internationalisation and the development of skills and attitudes (such as Global Citizenship) a continuum across primary, secondary (including vocational) and tertiary education. Research is specifically focused on the connection between secondary and tertiary education in the development of 21st century skills and global citizenship skills and how activities in internationalisation contribute to the formation of such skills.
The research group contributes to insights that help lecturers to imagine internationalisation for their specific disciplinary context, and to enhance the skills that enable them to assume their crucial role. The research group therefore collaborates with trainers and practitioners in the learning community ‘internationalisation’ at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and with The Hague Centre for Teaching and Learning. The research group Global Learning is situated within the Centre of Expertise for Global and Inclusive Learning and works closely with other research groups in the Centre. Internationally, the research group collaborates with other scholars and research centres in the field of internationalisation of higher education. Among these is the Centre for Global Learning at Coventry University. This collaboration results in joint and comparative research, projects, jointly authored publications and joint PhD supervision.
About the professor
dr. Jos Beelen
Jos Beelen’s research interests include internationalisation at home and the skills of academics to internationalise teaching and learning. He holds a PhD from the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) at Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. In 2018, Jos was the recipient of the President’s Award of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) for his contribution to internationalisation at home. Jos is Visiting Professor at Coventry University and at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is a Research Fellow at the University of the Free State (South Africa).

L’imagination gouverne le monde” (Imagination rules the world)
Within our research group, researchers, lecturer-researchers and students work closely with practice partners to conduct research. Together they are committed to translating the results of the research -knowledge and insights- into the practice of education and the region.