
Getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet are both equally important for good health. This is common knowledge. Yet many children and young people in the Netherlands still lead an unhealthy lifestyle. This has consequences, both personal and social. So how do you prevent this? Or, more precisely, how can you teach children to start moving more - and keep moving? And how can you encourage young people to make healthier food choices?

About the research group


The research group focuses on supporting youth (ages 2-24) in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle


The research group strives for sustainable behavioral change in youth in the field of physical activity and nutrition. This behavioral change is achieved by converting knowledge about physical activity, nutrition, behavioral change techniques, technology, interaction design and pedagogy into innovative products, programs and services that support children and youth consciously or unconsciously in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We believe in the power of cocreation, nudging and implicit learning alongside persuasion and explicit learning and in the power of a stimulating social and physical environment.

We work in a demand-driven and practice-oriented way. The wishes, needs and perceptions of the target group and stakeholders are central to the innovations. In addition, we work closely together with professionals in the field, such as physical education teachers, community sports coaches, dieticians, designers and policy makers.

We translate the knowledge we gain in research into concrete recommendations, tools and products for practice focused on sufficient and varied physical activity behavior and making healthy(er) food choices in contexts where children and young people spend a lot of time (home, school, daycare, neighborhood, sports, online). We also translate the knowledge to education and further training of (future) professionals.

About the professor

dr. Sanne de Vries

Sanne graduated in Human Movement Sciences and Epidemiology at the VU University Amsterdam. From 2000 to 2013, she worked as a researcher and project leader at TNO. Sanne finished her PhD at the VU University Amsterdam in 2009 in Social Medicine with her thesis entitled 'Activity-friendly neighbourhoods for children'. Sanne has been involved in more than 125 research projects involving youth, physical activity, healthy food choices and health and has published more than 200 scientific reports and papers. The role of the physical environment in physical activity, physical education and nudging have her special interest.

Additional positions

  • Associate Professor LUMC Health Campus, Department of Public Health & Primary Care
  • Member Recognition Committee Interventions, subcommittee 5 Sport and Physical Activity
  • Chair SIA Platform Professors of Sport and Physical Activity
  • Guest editor
  • (Co) promotor - Leiden University, LUMC, UMCG, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

+31 (0)6 - 46 87 68 52
[email protected]

Linkedin profile

Sanne de Vries


Within our Research Group we work together to promote a healthy lifestyle for young people (4-24 years) in the Haaglanden region. We do this by developing, evaluating and implementing innovative products, programs and services together with (future) professionals and the target group.

Meet our team

Lectoraat GLSO 10 jaar Team


Start (V)aardig

Start (V)aardig is a study on the physical literacy of preschoolers. After all, children who learn to exercise well at an early age and enjoy it, often develop an active lifestyle. Neighbourhood sport coaches can play a...

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De serious game om leerlingen van het vmbo weerbaar te maken tegen gezondheidsgerelateerde desinformatie op social media.

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Play-friendly cities

More and more children in the Netherlands are overweight, don't exercise enough and have poor motor skills. For children to become healthy and fit adults, it is important to encourage them to exercise more.

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8 February 2024


Launch of Research Project 'Mbo-students in Action for Plant-Based Food'

At the heart of the project are Mbo students: their perceptions of plant-based food, their consumption of plant-based food, and the solutions they themselves propose to increase the consumption of plant-based food.

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4 December 2023


Lecturer THUAS appointed as Medical Delta Lecturer

Many children do not meet the physical activity guidelines and make unhealthy food choices. Sanne de Vries, PhD endeavours to facilitate a healthy start for everyone through her work, recognizing that "Children and...

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24 January 2023


Interview with a researcher in the neighbourhood: Marieke Breed

Health issues and social problems often go hand in hand. This accumulation of problems is too often still seen as individual problems.

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Investigating young children’s physical activity through time and place

A study into children's exercise behavior, in which the GPS data of 248 children was shared.

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Viewing behavior in dynamic sports situations

An innovative study into viewing behavior in hockey

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The Participant Journey Map: Understanding the Design of Interactive Augmented Play Spaces

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Agreement Between the KTK3+ Test and the Athletic Skills Track for Classifying the Fundamental Movement Skills Proficiency of 6- to 12-Year-Old Children

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