Translating into Society

The connection between research and practice is important in universities of applied sciences research. Discuss with your partners in practice how you can best translate the research into practice.

Altmetrics & impact factor

However, the traditional metrics sometimes miss the mark. Like clubs of friends who give each other points by quoting each other or, as a researcher, publishing every slight change in an article as a new article to increase the publication score. There are also researches that are not published because they are not spectacular enough.

Particularly in the case of open access journals, but also in traditional journals, alternative forms of impact determination, also known as "altmetrics", are increasingly being considered when determining the impact of articles. Think for example of the number of downloads of an article, the number of views and the number of mentions on social media like blogs, Twitter, Facebook or in tools like Mendeley. This also partly highlights the social impact of research, an important aspect of practice-oriented research.

Example 1 and example 2 of alternative metrics.

As a rule, however, these altmetrics are displayed per article. Comparing several articles would give an impression of the alternative impact of a journal. And there is also something to be said for almetrics.

Researcher Profiles

Persistent identifier for a researcher: ORCID

ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID and is intended to distinguish individual authors, and link them to their academic work, including both scientific articles or books and other output, such as datasets, patents and media presence. It is a unique persistent identifier of a person similar to DOI for digital objects (e.g. articles), ISSN for journals or ISBN for books. ORCID is a non-profit and community-driven organization. This internationally recognized identifier is interoperable (readable by humans and machines) and therefore fits in the context of Open Science. In addition, ORCID is an academic profile where you can showcase the stages of your career.


• Make your ORCID profile publicly visible and thereby increase the visibility of your research and publications. 

• Make your ORCID available through social media accounts, digital signatures, blogs and webpages. 

• Add your ORCID to your manuscripts and grant applications.

ORCID functions

ORCID is often required by academic publishers for submitting articles and by founding agencies for applying for grants. Sooner or later you will be asked to provide your ORCID. But ORCID also has several advantages for researchers:

1. With ORCID you can prevent your name from being confused, for example if you have published under maiden name, when only your initials are mentioned in the publication, or if non-Roman characters occur in your name. With common surnames (Smith, de Vries), ORCID helps you to distinguish yourself from your academic colleagues.

2. Linking your research output to your ORCID increases the findability of your researcher profile, your work and your activities.

3. When you have worked at different institutions, your publications are found in different institutional repositories. ORCID profile is intended to show your entire career in one digital place.

4. In some cases, ORCID can save you time building your profile. When your publications or datasets have a DOI link, ORCID supports finding your output in various databases, indexes and repositories, and links them automatically.

How do you make your ORCID account?

You go to the ORCID platform and follow several easy steps:

1. Registration: enter your name and email addresses. ORCID recommends using at least two email addresses to expand login options. This prevents you from losing access to your account, for example together with your (institutional) email address.

2. ORCID checks whether your account already exists. You may be presented with a list of names and asked to confirm that none of these profiles are yours.

3. You choose one of the options for the visibility of your account. You certainly want your profile, your publications and achievements to be visible to everyone. Your email addresses will always remain invisible.

How do you evolve your profile?

Names – add here all versions of your names reported on your publications, e.g. Peter de Jonge, P. de Jonge, Peter W. de Jonge, Peter Wouter de Jonge, P De Jonge, etc. 

Biography – this is not a CV, but a short description of your interest, projects and career, think of a short bio that you often need to add at the end of academic papers 

Keywords – add keywords that describe your research interest and research activities. With these keywords you can be found in ORCID Registry 

Activities – add your CV, just like in your LinkedIn profile: employment (institutions and positions), education, memberships, grants, awards and prizes.

Adding publications to your ORCID profile

ORCID profile shows the metadata of your publications and links this information to an original source. If your publication is Open Access available, others can find a full text of your publication via a link. So you cannot upload full-text publications to your profile. 

Publications can be added to your account in several ways (functions):

1. Search & link – the best and fastest way to obtain correct and secure metadata from other systems and sources, such as Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef Metadata Search, OpenAire or DataCite.

2. DOI – individual publications that have a DOI link can be added directly

3. PubMed ID – In PubMed articles are given internal numbers, for example PMID: 26891021.

4. BibTeX – Import publications from Google Scholar. You do this in the following steps: log in to Google Scholar, search for your own publications, add the publications to My Library (using the SAVE function under each publication), export existing publications in BibTex, upload the existing files in ORCID

5. Adding manually – time-consuming and prone to errors, but necessary when a publication has no DOI link, suitable for popular scientific research output and scientific output without a DOI link.

Researcher’s profiles

Publons is a platform within Web of Science where researchers can create a personal profile to show their own scientific achievements and impact. In addition to the publications, you can share information about the citations of your work and your H-index. In addition, you will have the opportunity to display other scientific achievements, such as peer reviews written by you or memberships of scientific editorial boards.

Scopus Author ID – created automatically by Elsevier when your publications are indexed in the database. Your publications are also automatically added to your profile. In Scopus you can see basic metrics and statistics for your scientific output, but of course that only concerns the articles published in journals indexed in Scopus.

Google Scholar – if you have a Google Scholar account, you can add your publications to the profile. In Google Scholar you provide your publications with metrics.

ResearchGate and – social networks for researchers. In these platforms you can upload full-text publications and make them available to others. Please note: if you want to upload full-text publications in ResearchGate or, respect the copyrights of the publishers. If you are not sure which version of your manuscript and when you can upload it, ask the Library staff for advice. For some time now you have been able to assign DOI to your publications on ResearchGate. Be careful: you don't do it if your publication of DOI is already provided by the publisher. Persistent identifier must be unique and one digital object can only have one of them.


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Prize Parade THUAS

The THiNK FeST festival for and by staff and students takes place every year in November. A whole day to meet, inspire and learn from each other. 

At THiNK FeST on  November 2nd  2023 various THUAS awards have been presented for exceptional (research) performances: page Prize Parade 2023.