Contacts and FAQs
Any questions about your application? Get in touch with the Enrolment Centre. We are there to help.

How can we help you?
- Check our FAQ regarding application, entry requirements and tuition fee. Your questions might be answered here. Or find the information you're looking for on this page
- Didn’t find what you were looking for? Contact the Enrollment Centre by filling out the contact form below. Or call +31 (0)70 445 85 85 (on working days, from 9AM until 5PM CET)
Question about a programme
For questions regarding courses or other study related questions (such as book lists, timetables and how to apply for exemptions), please contact your faculty front office.
THUAS students
Already a current student at THUAS? Find the answer to your questions on the Student Portal.
Postal address
We will usually ask you to upload documents in our administration system Osiris Application. But if we specifically ask you to send us any documents, please use:
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Enrolment Centre
PO Box 13336
2501 EH The Hague
The Netherlands
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I can’t log in to my THUAS account. Can you help?
Try resetting your account via this webpage. If that doesn’t work, please contact the IT Front Office which manages your THUAS account at [email protected].
2. I’m experiencing problems logging in to Osiris Application. What do I do?
Try changing your password on the homepage of Osiris Application by following these instructions. Still not possible? Contact the Enrolment Centre.
3. My Studielink account has been blocked. What now?
Get in touch with the Enrolment Centre and ask us to unblock it.
4. How do I change my address details?
Log into Studielink and you can change your address. However, if your new address is in The Netherlands and you have notified your (new) municipality, we will automatically be informed.
How to apply
1. What is the difference between application and enrolment?
You apply for a degree programme in Studielink when you’re interested. You enrol once we’ve checked that you meet all the requirements and have submitted all the right documents on time. You have to be enrolled to attend classes and sit exams.
2. How/where can I provide proof of enrolment?
Just follow a few easy steps. Open your Osiris Student account. Click on ‘personal details’, then ‘degree programme’ and ‘enrolment status for degree programme’. This page shows you the degree programme you’ve enrolled on. On the right, you’ll see a link to ‘declaration(s) of enrolment’. From here, download a declaration for every academic year. The secure PDF file is in Dutch and English with a digital signature.
3. How/where can I provide proof of my tuition fee payment?
If you’re enrolled for a minor or degree programme at another university in the Netherlands as well as your degree with us and pay statutory tuition fees, you can request a proof of tuition fee payment (BBC). You’re only required to pay tuition fees once. A BBC is issued once per academic year. You can request a BBC form online. We’ll send the document to your home address within five working days.
4. Is my enrolment complete?
You can see if your enrolment is complete in Studielink under ‘my degree programmes’ and ‘status’. If it says ‘in progress’, please log on to Osiris Application to find out what you still need to do. If it says ‘enrolled’, you’ve completed the process. Unable to find it? Contact the Enrolment Centre and we’ll help you out. Before you can access your THUAS account, you must first register for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). To do so, please use the step-by-step guide: Registering Multi-Factor Authentication.
5. When can I start studying at THUAS?
There’s only one intake per year in September. In some cases, programmes may allow you to start later on with an interim registration form (see next question). Non EU students and students with a residence permit for study cannot make use of this registration form.
6. Can I register for a degree programme after 1 September?
Unfortunately, this usually isn’t possible. In very exceptional cases, the faculty director may allow you to start during the academic year.
Once you have applied via Studielink, we will invite you to explain why you have missed the start of the year, why you wish to enrol, and why you think it is still possible to catch up.
Please note, if you do not have legal residency in The Netherlands, or if you hold a residences permit for study, it is never possible to enrol during the academic year.
7. How do I change my degree programme?
If you want to switch to a different degree programme next academic year you can register via Studielink. Please check out which deadlines apply to you. If you want to change degree programme during the academic year, you must get permission from the faculty director and complete an interim registration (see question: Can I register for a degree programme that has already started after 1 September?)
8. Are family members allowed to request information about my application/enrolment?
No, this is not possible due to privacy reasons. Are you a (prospective) student of the Hague University of Applied Sciences and you would like somebody else to reach out to us on your behalf, we will need your consent to be able to share information. The information we share by telephone or by mail involves your application/enrolment and the entry requirements which are applicable. Please fill out this webform.
Tuition fees
1. How much tuition fee do I need to pay?
Go to the tuition fee section on our website. The government sets the statutory tuition fee amount and decides who is entitled to this (as stated in the Higher Education and Research Act). THUAS decides on institutional tuition fees.
2. I have a Dutch residence permit. Does that entitle me to statutory tuition fees?
In some cases, you may be eligible for statutory tuition fees with a Dutch residence permit. We’ll let you know which additional documents you’ll need to submit during the registration process. Go to the tuition fee section on our website for more information.
3. How do I arrange for my employer to pay my tuition fees?
This is arranged with a guarantor's declaration. Both you and your employer must sign. Your employer will then receive an invoice.
4. How do I arrange a direct debit payment or change my payment details?
Complete an authorisation form. Your parent/guardian must sign for you if you’re under 18.
5. What shall I do if I miss a payment?
This all depends on how how far behind you are.
- If you are one month behind, you’ll be sent reminder with a link to complete your payment online. Please note that this message is sent to your email address as registered in Studielink.
- If you are two months behind, we’ll send you a final warning. If payment is still not received, your THUAS IT account will be blocked. This means that you’ll lose access to all IT systems. This also means that you are no longer able to register for exams or indeed take part in exams. Your account won’t be unblocked until everything has been paid.
- If you are three months late, you will receive a final warning and your IT account will be locked. This point forward you no longer have access to any of the systems.
- When no payments are made after the final warning we’ll hand the case over to our debt collection agency. This also includes all future instalments due within the current academic year. You will have to pay all (extra) judicial costs and interest.
Any more questions? Contact the Student Accounts Receivable Department (stating your student number) at [email protected] or call +31 (0)70 445 88 63.
6. When will the tuition fees be debited from my bank account?
This overview tells you on which dates the tuition fee instalments for the academic year 2023-2024 will be debited from your account. You will also find the amount of each instalment.
Entry requirements
1. Am I eligible for admission?
Check out our entry requirements. Still not sure? Contact the Enrolment Centre or submit your enrolment request through Studielink so that we can assess your eligibility for the program that you are interested in.
2. I don’t meet the entry requirements. Are there any alternative ways to get in?
Yes there are some alternatives. Please check Entry requirements for more information.
3. Do you have an international diploma?
If you have an international diploma, the Enrolment Centre will decide if it meets the admission requirements.