THUAS offers degree programmes on various levels:

  • Bachelor’s: full-time (including a number of three-year programmes), part-time and dual
  • Master’s
  • Professional course


Full-time (ft)

Full-time students attend lectures or tutorials during the daytime. This is a ‘full-time’ job. The full-time programmes usually take 4 years, although it is sometimes possible to enrol in an accelerated 3-year programme, depending on your previous education.

Dual (du)

With a dual degree programme, you combine studying and working. You are employed by a company or organisation and receive a salary. At the same time, you are enrolled in a degree programme. In other words, you combine working and studying. In most cases, you are required to have relevant employment in order to enroll. The dual programmes take 4 to 4.5 years, although it is sometimes possible to enrol in an accelerated programme, depending on your previous education.

Part-time (pt)

Part-time students usually attend lectures or tutorials one or two evenings a week, sometimes during the daytime. In addition to attending classes at the university, you also spend 10 to 15 hours a week on independent study. The part-time programmes take an average of 4 years. As a part-time student, you combine your studies with a job, where you can apply what you have learned directly in practice. In most cases, you are required to have work experience before you can enroll in the programme.

Three-year programmes

Pre-university education students have the possibility to complete a number of our Bachelor’s degree programmes in 3 years, instead of the usual 4.


You cannot enroll in a Master’s programme until you have completed a Bachelor’s programme. A Master’s (at a university of applied sciences) is an occupation-oriented degree programme with a direct link to practice. There are full-time Master’s, which take 1 year, and 2-year part-time variants in which you combine studying and working. After graduating, you are awarded the Master’s degree and are able to solve complex issues facing organisations.

Professional course

A professional course is a practice-oriented course at university of applied sciences level that gives you a more in-depth understanding of a particular subject. You can enroll in a professional course if you have completed a degree programme at a university of applied sciences. Most participants are between the ages of 30 and 45 years. The courses last from several months to the maximum of a year. On successful completion, you will be awarded a certificate, but not a degree.
See the list of degree programmes for all programmes taught at THUAS.


The Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) accredits study programmes offered by Dutch higher education institutions. All international bachelors and masters programmes offered by The Hague University of Applied Sciences are recognised by NVAO.