In the library catalogue you will also find a large part of our e-book collection, including much compulsery literature. You can find these e-books just like the 'paper' books by searching for example (words from the) title, ISBN, subject or author.

Once you've found an e-book title, click the link to the e-book. You can open this link on your own laptop, PC or telephone via the library catalogue, not on the catalogue PC in the library.

Many e-books have an unlimited number of users, but other e-books can only be opened by, for example, one or three users at a time.

If you have questions about, for example, borrowing (downloading) or reserving e-books, see the FAQ with frequently asked questions about e-books.

To get an overview of databases that contain many e-books, you can filter on 'information type' in the A-Z database overview on the library website, so in this case on 'e-books'. You will then get a list with links to the databases that offer many e-books.

You can also use the E-Publication Finder to find the full text of the e-books.

The E-Publication Finder provides an overview of and access to thousands of e-journals (journals, newspapers, magazines, etc.) and e-books available through the our digital library.

In addition to the e-books that can be found in the library catalogue, you will also find many e-books in various collections from different suppliers and publishers.


Go to Bookboon.

Gives access to over 1,600 freely downloadable textbooks in nine languages. The e-books were written by academics from top universities all over the world and treat subjects such as economics, statistics, IT, engineering and sciences.

BSL Vakbibliotheek

Go to BSL Vakbibliotheek

 The SpringerLink platform has a collection of full-text journals (access from 1997) and e-books published by Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. These are major journals written in Dutch about health care and allied health services. The collection also includes an archive of various reference books and the new articles found in the Jaarboek Fysiotherapie and the Informatorium van Voeding en Dietetiek.

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Go to Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

 Lists a growing collection of over 10,000 Academic peer-reviewed books from 159 publishers. Freely accessible e-books, with links to their full texts on the publisher’s web site. Go to the FAQ

eBooks Collection (EBSCOhost)

Go to eBooks Collection (EBSCOhost)

 This collection contains a growing number of textbooks written in English on all subject areas and published by major publishing companies. 

More information


Go to InTechOpen

 Gives open access to 5 electronic journals and over 3,200 English e-books on technology, medical and biomedical sciences, management and economics.



 The Open Access Publishing in European Networks library contains more than 2,500 freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled collection of Open Access books.


Go to O'Reilly

 Digital library with approximately 39,000 e-books and +6,000 video tutorials from leading publishers in the fields of technology, digital media, technology and business. In addition to e-books and video tutorials, learning paths are also part of the digital offering. IT professionals, software developers, web designers and system administrators use O'Reilly as the source for research, problem solving and certificate training. The e-books can be read online, not downloaded. The license is for unlimited use. See also the semi-annual  list of removed titels.

More information

Springer Nature Link

Go to Springer Nature Link

Around 55.000 ebooks, available on the Springer Nature Link platform.