Money and finance in the digital age

This research of New Finance focuses on public digital money (and in particular the digital euro), stablecoins, deposit…
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The Waterworks of Money

Who creates and allocates our money? Where all does it go? And why doesn’t the financial system work for everyone?…
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The Textbook on “Global Governance in Practice”

One of the important missions of our Centre is to increase practical knowledge of students on issues of global…
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Smart Teddy Project

By moving its tail and reacting to movement or touch, the Smart Teddy offers seniors companionship in the home.
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Firefighters project

Recent increase in wild fires in France, and around the world, are an unfortunate example of the current challenges…
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Transition to Sustainable Energy project

The DATALESs project is a collaboration between Dutch and Chinese research institutions aiming to tackle challenges…
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Skin Cancer Diagnosis project

The aim of this project is the early detection of skin cancer which will lead to better chances of recovery and…
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Diabetic Foot Ulcers project

A Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes and can lead to a lower limb amputation if not…
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TRIIAL: Trust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability

In 2019-2020, the lectoraat joined an international consortium for the project on TRust, Independence, Impartiality and…
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Young-OGEMID contributions - Arbitration and beyond

Regional rapporteurs of the Young-OGEMID (Oil-Gas-Energy-Mining-Infrastructure Dispute Management) provide information…
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Trust MEdiators: Developing a student-driven mediation lab to learn and practice how to be trustworthy mediators

Most disputes are not settled in courts, they are settled by informal means such as mediation. Recently, civil law…
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International Labor Rights Case Law (BRILL) Journal

THUAS and Leiden University signed a collaboration agreement in relation to the Journal on International Labor Rights…
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