Motor skills for Developmental Coordination Disorder

There are children who have difficulties with their motor skills and find it hard to learn how to exercise. Sometimes…
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Men at Work

‘We are having trouble recruiting young men and keeping them in the Social Work and Education degree programme.’ This…
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Love Me for Me: Stories for Children in Transgender Families

Love Me for Me is a project that started in 2014 in the United States at Southern Illinois University by Dr. Aminata…
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Regional Networks for the Social Welfare Domain The Hague & Leiden

How do you deal with the challenges of your profession as a professional? Which insights from science can help you…
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Care aesthetics

Care aesthetics is a new concept in the Netherlands and concerns the focus on perception and experience in care and…
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Living Lab Social Domain and Technology

How do we ensure that care remains accessible, affordable and viable now and in the future? Technology can play an…
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Future Proof Labs

What are the minimum requirements for a good experimental environment in which different stakeholders work in co-…
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Playful Exertion Interfaces

Playful interactive technology such as 'exertion games' can be helpful in getting children to exercise. These…
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iKUDU: developing the concept of Internationlisation of the Curriculum through COIL virtual Exchange projects between South African and European Higher Education Institutes

The iKUDU project is an EU-funded capacity building project focused on setting up a community of practice on COIL and…
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'IT4Senioren' during COVID-19

Digital skills are indispensable nowadays, even for seniors. Whether arranging online banking, passing on a move or…
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Internationalisation at Home activities in courses and the role of the academic discipline

We know from several international studies that the academic discipline or field of science has a major influence on…
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Hydrogen Heating Studies

The Dutch government has decided the Netherlands has to phase out (natural) gas by 2050. Switching to all electric…
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