Student voice

How can we strengthen the voice of the student — and consequently the development of the student and the university of…
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Theatre and other art forms in education

This is a study about the possibilities and impossibilities of theatre and other art forms in education.

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The Hague Student Investment Fund

The research group aims to create and design an investment fund for and with students: The Hague Student Investment…
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TranSIT-Transferable Smart Industry Templates

A significant proportion of the SME companies in our region engineer and assemble custom or small series products. The…
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Towards Responsible Rebellion: Governance and participation in collective housing for older adults

This project is a collaboration between the research groups Urban Ageing and Metropolitan Developments of The Hague…
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A healthier THUAS (Healthy@HHS)

How can THUAS become a healthy university and help its students and staff members at school and at work to lead and/or…
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VIT for Life

The Medical Delta Living Lab Vitality Innovation & Technology (VIT) for Life focuses on promoting the vitality of…
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Towards better cooperation in healthcare

Cooperation between healthcare professionals, informal carers and clients is a crucial factor in quality of care, but…
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Previous student projects

Below is a summary of student internship and semester projects that have been done with the lectorate.
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Enhance access and participation and promote greater equity. This project is conceived to elicit, promote and…
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Women and the Process of Peace, A Multilevel Perspective

This program examines women’s involvement in three key areas of peace and conflict: conflict prevention, peacekeeping…
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Wearables for Occupational Health

The project Wearables for Occupational health: Measuring vests for Body Parameters and Exposure and Motion started on 1…
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